Modern architecture making uses of awnings, shutters and decorative shade sheets often requires regular cleaning. Our office cleaning team provide an exterior wash service with high reach ladders and safety rigging requirements. We will clean the windows, gutters, cladding and window shades (slats, cladding, sheets or shutters) leaving your property, business or office premises looking clean and welcoming.
Office Building and Shutter Wash
High Level Dusting Services
We provide a professional High Level Dusting Services for exposed ducting, vents, skylight sheeting and…
Bakery Floor Cleaning
Floor cleaning and polishing at a major national bakery, we set about cleaning the floor…
Stadium Cleaning – High Level Cleaning of Kingsmead Cricket Ground
Have you ever considered how challenging Stadium Cleaning is? The Hollywood Bets Kingsmead Cricket Ground…
Kitchen Extractor Hood Cleaning
Our commercial cleaning team is well versed in the SOP’s of commercial kitchen cleaning. All…